Friday, 19 September 2008

Don't fear the creeper

I refuse to fear the hand of time
Drawing my tits down and greying my hair.
I refuse to be horrified when wrinkles appear.

I will not have cosmetic surgery, no, I will not!
But will accept it with a graceful air
When men in their twenties no longer stare.

As my bones groan and my joints creak
And my eyes and my ears pack it in,
I will be happy, as others have been.

So do not tell me that age is a monster,
Devouring my glories one by worthless one;
The golden glow of evening precedes the setting sun.


  1. Beautiful! and so true. We forget.
    Your middle-aged friend,

  2. Thank you very much Cyndi <3 It makes me happy that you keep stopping by. I never expect comments on this blog, so it's always a nice surprise!

  3. That was a good one. Very smart, and your opinion on that kind of thing is the same as mine.

    Just for that, I shall follow this blog!

  4. Thanks Nathan! Let's hope I can live up to the good first impression ;)

  5. Nice...I like it.
    I like your thoughts.
    Write more.

  6. Thanks Tom! My main blog is actually this one, I write loads there.

    I haven't done much poetry in a while, actually...
