Inspired by Taylor Mali's idea of writing a poem every day in April, and helped along by the high amount of poeming my brain's been doing lately, I thought I'd join in. I hope you like it! This first one's a bit negative, yes, but it works much better to music. I hope to get a video camera one day, then I can show you what it's meant to sound like!
Over and under and round me and through me
You never quite saw me, you never quite knew me
I’m not blind, I know you’ve been flirting with fellas
And yes I’m a lady, and yes I am jealous.
It’s stupid, it’s pointless, it makes me feel foolish,
But I think you knew this,
Is that why you do this?
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
You’ve made yourself clear.
Not needed, not wanted, I’ll just disappear.
Over and under and through me and round me
Invisible just because nobody found me.
Thats pretty cool, Im into the way it rolls :-) I want to see some happy poems from you though lass. Althought this could be happy...depends on how you look at it :-)
There will be plenty of happy, don't worry :) Thanks hun! X